Clean Solar Solutions Ltd provide solar maintenance and solar panel cleaning in Birmingham. Here we showcase the cleaning of 999 solar panels in Birmingham for award winning solar installer Spirit Solar. This is the first job we have completed for Spirit Solar. We hope it will be the start of a long standing partnership.

Speaking of the new partnership with Spirit Solar, Steve Williams, M.D. of Clean Solar Solutions comments, “Spirit Solar is a very forward-thinking company. We have been in regular contact with them about this Birmingham solar array for over a year now. We have been providing advice regarding the design of this particular system specifically from a viewpoint of cleaning the solar panels.
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Spirit Solar took our advice into consideration and installed a well-designed system. It utilises the most of the roof space, while still making maintenance and the cleaning relatively easy. We look forward to carrying out further cleans for Spirit Solar.”
Solar Array Stats
The 249.75KW solar array was installed in January 2014. It is located at MV Sports and Leisure headquarters in Birmingham. It is made up of 999 ReneSola JC250M-24/Bb solar panels mounted on the Clenergy EZ-rack. The array has 8 x ABB 27.6TL inverters and 1 x 10TL inverter that will continue to be serviced by Spirit Solar.
Although the system cost about £240,000, it is expected to yield £42,000 p/a. It will pay for itself within 7 years. This is proof that rooftop solar arrays are both an excellent use of redundant space and are profitable for business owners.
Keeping the solar panels clean is an important part of helping the array hit that 7 year ROI target. There are a number of reasons why the solar panels will need cleaning on this array. Because the solar panels are mounted at a relatively shallow angle, they hold more dirt.
One of the busiest stretches of the M6 is only about 400 yards away from the array. It is also at the same height as the roof of the building. Traffic film will accumulate over time and inhibit the output of the array if it is not cleaned regularly.
Why Did The Panels Need Cleaning?
The final reason that the solar panels will need cleaning is due to the noticeable population of gulls in the area. Although the array is relatively new, there was a considerable build-up of bird droppings and some were very stubborn to remove. Bird droppings create ‘hard shading’ on solar panels. If left, droppings reduce the output of the solar panels significantly.

Due to the regular cleaning schedule that Spirit Solar are looking to put in place, that will not be the case on this Birmingham based array.
Clean Solar Solutions Ltd carry out solar panel cleaning in Birmingham, the West Midlands and the rest of the UK. If you would like any advice regarding solar panel cleaning on your property or would like a quote, please feel free to contact us.