We provide award winning solar maintenance and solar panel cleaning in Greenwich. Here we showcase the cleaning of 2,616 solar panels mounted on the roof of a furrniture retailer. The solar panels were installed to help the store reduce their carbon footprint and their energy bill. With rising costs of power, renewable energy looks more and more attractive.

Why Did These Solar Panels In Greenwich Need Cleaning?
The solar panels needed cleaning because they were blighted by bird droppings. The site is located near the river Thames. As a result, the roof has a local gull and pigeon population that rest on the solar panels. In no time, they cover the solar panels with their droppings. The bird droppings deposited on the solar panels create hotspots on the cells within panels. These hotspots cause the output to drop and can eventually result in permanent damage to the panels.
SEE ALSO: Top 5 Reasons Why A Window Cleaner Should Not Clean Your Solar Panels
How Were The Solar Panels Cleaned?
The solar panels were all manually cleaned within a 3-day period by one of our highly-qualified solar panel cleaning teams. Ultra-pure water was pumped up from our vehicle at ground level, leaving a spot-free finish.
A spot-free finish is desirable because there will be no hotspots on the solar panels. Therefore, there be no loss of production and no risk of permanent damage to the panels either.
Known globally for it’s maritime history, Greenwich is the scene of a renewable energy revolution, with more and more homes and businesses fitting solar panels to their roofs.
If you are the owner of a commercial or residential solar array in Greenwich or anywhere else in Central London and require solar panel cleaning or maintenance, please feel free to contact us.