Clean Solar Solutions carry out commercial and residential solar panel cleaning in Hull. We have completed the cleaning of a 280KW solar array on top of a shopping centre.

Why Did These Solar Panels In Hull Need Cleaning?
These solar panels are located on the St. Stephen’s Shopping Centre. This is around 800m from the Hull coast and docks. The solar panels suffer from bird droppings from the local gull populations. In addition, they suffer from a build-up of traffic film.

There are many causes of soiling on solar panels. Here for instance, bird droppings are the main issue. Bird droppings on solar panels create hotspots and hotspots reduce the output of solar panels. If bird droppings are left on the solar panels, hotspots create permanent cell failure within the solar panels. Cell failure leads to a permanent output loss. By cleaning the solar panels, hotspots are reduced and the panels will produce more electricity. In addition, the life of the solar panels is protected for the long term.
How Were The Solar Panels Cleaned?
Firstly, the solar panels were cleaned robotically. This provides a uniform finish which manual cleaning with poles and brushes cannot always provide, along with a safer working method.

Secondly, the roof is high and we are not fans of working dangerously at height. Above all, the safety of our staff is the most important element of our work. Therefore, we attach our harnesses to the installed mansafe system. We don’t need to go near the roof edge to clean the solar panels when we use our robot. In addition, the robot is controlled via remote controls, so that safer cleaning can take place.
How Can I Get A Quote For My Solar Panel Cleaning?
In conclusion, if you are in Hull or the surrounding area and would like a quote for your solar panel cleaning, please do one of the following:
- Email us on or call 020 3397 9934
- Fill in our Enquiry Form on our Contact Us page. This will only take 2-3 minutes and will fast track the quotation process.
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