We have recently carried out solar panel cleaning in Callington, near the Cornwall and Devon border. The solar panels were mounted on a flat roof of a house extension. Please contact us for a free quote for solar panel cleaning in Cornwall or Devon.
We were contacted by a Mr Newhouse who was concerned that his solar panels were producing less electricity than when they were first installed and wanted to know if there was any proof that solar panel cleaning helps solar output. We explained to Mr Newhouse why solar panels need cleaning and we also explained how we would clean them.

We had partially cleaned the solar panels in the above picture to show how these solar panels held the dirt. They accumulated a lot of dirt quickly because they were mounted virtually flat on a roof. This means there is virtually no run-off for the rainwater. The rainwater therefore sits on the panels, dries and leaves behind a residue of dust and grime. We assured Mr Newhouse that he would definitely see an increase in his electricity generation from his solar panels.