This week we have completed the solar panel cleaning on a solar farm near Crawley, West Sussex. The roof mounted solar array consists of 867 solar panels which are mounted on the roof of a dairy farm building.
The solar panels were installed during February 2013 and had not been previously cleaned. Clean Solar Solutions Ltd were contacted by the farm owner because he could see clearly that the solar panels had accumulated quite a thick layer of dust. Farms are generally dusty environments at the best of times, but dairy sheds are particularly dusty places. Each time the cows move, a thick cloud of dust is kicked up many feet into the air. This dust blows on to the solar panels and settles when the panels are dry. When it is raining, the dust is absorbed into the rain drops, making this rain very dirty and the rain falls onto the solar panels. When the rain stops and the panels dry, the dust is left behind on the panels.

In our experience, solar panels mounted on dairy farms regularly lose 20%-25% of their output after 12-18 months from their install. There are very few sites where solar panels lose output quicker. Our solar panel cleaning service then, is of particular use to dairy farm owner who own a solar panel array. As you can see from the photos, there is a clear visual difference between the dirty and clean solar panels.

The amount of light penetrating the clean solar panels is greatly increased, thereby making the whole solar array more efficient and this in turn will generate more money for the farm owner.

Clean Solar Solutions Ltd carry out solar panel cleaning in Crawley, Horsham, Worthing, Chichester and surrounding areas. Please get in touch for a free quote for your solar panel cleaning.